Session Outline

Data has been the gold for a long time, but just not the historical data can always lead us, we also need Instant insights to take smart business decisions.

“Things get done only if the data we gather can inform and inspire those in a position to make difference” – Mike Schmoker,

Key Takeaways

  • What’s Streaming data ?
  • Why should I care about Instant Insight ?
  • What’s Multi-Cloud environment ?
  • Is It expensive to be on more than one cloud ?



Vikraman Mohan, Solutions Architect | Westpac New Zealand | New Zealand

Highly Passionate individual who would love to talk about data and Analytics. Apart from data, I love travelling and mobile gaming.

May 25 @ 14:10
14:10 — 14:40 (30′)

2022 Day 2 | Stage 3

Vikraman Mohan | Solutions Architect | Westpac New Zealand | New Zealand