MASTER CLASS with Henrik Göthberg
DAIR Data &
Analytics Asset
and Stewardship

This master class is an introductory course helping you to get an understanding and kick-start your journey to managing data and algorithms as a strategic asset. Creating clarity and demystifying what you need to execute on when you put your AI/ML Use case in production.
This course is intended for managers or experts with responsibility to operationalize Data and Analytics asset management, Data Governance and Stewardship on a digital platform or in relation to putting Data pipelines and AI/ML models in full scale production.
Master Class Outline
1. Introduction to DAIR
Creating a common point of view of what the strategic, tactical and operational challenges is all about when evolving into a Data and AI Ready enterprise.
2. Framing the context
Understanding the meaning, criticality and difference between having a Data and analytics asset centric perspective and how it differs from the traditional application centric perspective of IT. How does Data & Analytics asset management and stewardship fit into all the other work required to develop and operate Data and AI driven processes in full scale production.
3. How to do it on use case level
What to focus on, how to get started and how to organize the work to get immediate operational value out of data & analytics asset management on use case level.
4. Introducing to the next step
How to scale it and drive adoption on enterprise level (creating enterprise value)
Deliverables + Master Class material
Training and master class material delivered in PDF
Checklists and Principles to take home to make use of, directly after the training
Templates or worksheets, used to drive peer-to-peer co-creation in the session
One Day Master Class
Instructor led group facilitation to balance instruction, peer-to-peer learning and learning by doing.
Master Class pre-requisites
- To get the most out of this course you should come in with a specific use case in mind to bring into the workshop sessions. A use case you are just starting to address, in development, and or one in production, where you want to benchmark what you have done so far with best practices from experts and peers.
- You should have an interest and focus on operationalization the operational processes, methodologies and approaches on use case level.
- Sign up on the Slack channel for the Master class (via link in Calendar invitation few weeks before the master class)
- It is advisable to be on an intermediate (managerial) level of Platform, Data and algorithm literacy. It is ok not to be a professional developer or data scientist.
- To freshen up before the training please view the Dairdux YouTube channel: Vlog series From data to Value
- Bring a laptop

About Henrik
Henrik is a founder of Dairdux, a professional crowdsourcing alliance of corporates, experts and academic researchers that helps organisations with Data and AI readiness. Prior to founding Dairdux, Henrik has been working for 7 years at Vattenfall in different management positions such as Group Data & Analytics Transformation Lead, Head of Group Financial Systems and Head of BI and Lead Development Management – Europe. Henrik has an international consulting background based out of Stockholm and Sydney. He is part of the Digitization Advisory Board, for European Utility Week, and resident chairman of the Data Innovation Summit. In his spare time Henrik is running a VLOG “From Data to Value” on YouTube to grow Data/AI literacy among Executives and Middle managers.