Key Takeaways
- Dynamic Extraction and Transformation support in configuration file
- Automating data extraction from Excel to Data Frames, CSV and Parquet formats, hence streamlines data processing workflows.
- No ETL tool is required. It requires a tremendous effort to read an Excel sheet with different rows, columns and repeating rows efficiently.
- Ability to read Excel datasets URL from sharepoint
Dr. Seah Boon Keong- Senior Software Engineer, Monetary Policy Department | Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM)| Malaysia
Seah is a Data Scientist and Data Engineer with over 20 years’ experience in technology, Banking, FMCG, telco, industrial predictive maintenance, and research. Seah’s areas of expertise include Data Analytics, Machine Learning, Data Modeling, Data Warehouse and Solution Architect. Seah has extensive experience in building large platforms which have delivered significant business results. He has also successfully developed AI related services on document Q&A, AI chart generation. Presently he helps enabled the Financial Data Catalogue, Dashboarding and data related pipelines for faster data insights and decision making. Aside from financial services, Seah previously Head the Data Science Platforms and Analytics in BAT, hence enabling business growth in new category products and marketing in BAT. Seah was the pioneer in establishing the Data Science Platform and Analytics in BAT.
2024_Stage2_Modern Data Platform
Dr. Seah Boon Keong- Senior Software Engineer, Monetary Policy Department | Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM)| Malaysia