New businesses are being build and tested in intrepreneurial teams. Teams can build on the data in the corporate mother ship and it is an opportunity to start from scratch.
The session will show what it can look like when combining user journeys and data management when designing a new business.
Key Takeaways
- How to link user journeys to data
- Get the best from split incentives between start up and corporate data management
- Principles in selecting tools for 5 week learning loops
Christian Rasmussen, Head of Technology, Innovation Lab 2 | Grundfos Holding | Denmark
Christian is a full time intrepreneur in Grundfos Future Lab, where he pull together experience and technologies from a broad range of previous job functions. Tech lead in innovation hub, consulting engineer, building and heading an analytics and a data engineering team, thermodynamics design, technology management.
In the Innovation Lab 2 team he test businesses that strive to Cool Humanity without Warming the Planet.
A red thread has been cross discipline collaboration and when entering the data and AI space he brought a bit of that through co-founding the AIRPLANEalliance. As chairman of the Production theme group in the Danish Academy of technical Sciences he is installing sustainability benchmarking in Danish industry.
Day 2 | Stage 2
Christian Rasmussen | Head of Technology Innovation Lab 2 | Grundfos Holding | Denmark